ISSN : 1000-9035
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Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

《分子科学杂志》致力于维护学术工作各个方面的科学研究,道德出版实践和透明度的完整性。我们遵循一个严格的道德框架,以确保所有已发表的研究都符合最高的信誉,独创性和真实性。这项道德政策以ICMJE(国际医学杂志编辑委员会),COPE(出版道德委员会),DOAJ(开放访问期刊目录),WAME(世界医学编辑协会)和OASPA(OPEN ACCESS)的建议为指导。学术出版商协会)。我们鼓励所有贡献者,包括编辑,审稿人和作者,将其工作与COPE概述的道德原则保持一致,以确保公平和负责任的出版实践。

《分子科学杂志》非常重视道德出版,并为防止学术不当行为,数据操纵和不道德研究实践所做的一切努力。编辑委员会将立即解决任何违反道德标准的提交,包括但不限于窃,伪造结果,重复出版或利益冲突 - 将立即由编辑委员会立即解决。涉嫌不道德实践的手稿可能会被拒绝,撤回或标记以进行进一步调查,并将采取适当的行动对所涉及的个人。




The Journal of Molecular Science is committed to upholding the integrity of scientific research, ethical publishing practices, and transparency in all aspects of scholarly work. We follow a strict ethical framework to ensure that all published research meets the highest standards of credibility, originality, and authenticity. This ethical policy is guided by the recommendations of ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors), COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), WAME (World Association of Medical Editors), and OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association). We encourage all contributors, including editors, reviewers, and authors, to align their work with the ethical principles outlined by COPE, ensuring fair and responsible publishing practices.

The Journal of Molecular Science takes ethical publishing very seriously, and every effort is made to prevent academic misconduct, data manipulation, and unethical research practices. Any submission that is found to be in violation of ethical standards—including but not limited to plagiarism, falsification of results, duplicate publication, or conflicts of interest—will be immediately addressed by the editorial board. Manuscripts suspected of unethical practices may be rejected, retracted, or flagged for further investigation, and appropriate action will be taken against the individuals involved.

The Journal of Molecular Science also recognizes the importance of protecting intellectual property rights. Authors submitting their research must ensure that their work is original and free from any unauthorized reproduction of content. The journal does not tolerate plagiarism or misrepresentation, and all manuscripts undergo a rigorous screening process to detect any unethical practices before publication.

By following these strict ethical guidelines, the Journal of Molecular Science aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge while ensuring that scientific research remains credible, transparent, and ethically sound.

Journal Policies

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Plagiarism Policy
Peer Review Policy
Aim and Scope
Open Access Policy
Privacy Policy
Human and Animal Rights Policy
Reviewers Guidelines
Competing Interests
Correction and Retraction Policy
Article Withdrawal Policy

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